March 23rd, 2025
Sermon: Obedience and Pursuing His Will: Ephesians 5:15-17 - Bill Leveridge

Today's Prayer Points From Bill
Point 1: Lord, help me to live in a way that reflects the new life that you have given to all who believe.
Point 2: Lord, help me to make the very most of my time as a believer.
Point 3: Lord, please continue to grow me in understanding.
Point 2: Lord, help me to make the very most of my time as a believer.
Point 3: Lord, please continue to grow me in understanding.
Upcoming Events
March 26th at 12pm- Noonday Luncheon
Join us for our weekly church fellowship every Wednesday at noon for food, worship, and Bible Study!
Join us for our weekly church fellowship every Wednesday at noon for food, worship, and Bible Study!
April 6th 4-5:30pm- New Members Class (Room 98)
If you're interested in finding out more about what we believe and what we have going on at Crossway Church, and you aren't already a member, this class is for you! Sign up at the Welcome Desk.
If you're interested in finding out more about what we believe and what we have going on at Crossway Church, and you aren't already a member, this class is for you! Sign up at the Welcome Desk.
April 18th 10 am- 7pm- Embrace the Cross
Embrace the Cross is our Good Friday experience and we'd love to have everyone join us for this come and go walkthrough experience where we look upon the day of our Savior's crucifixion, and think about what price was paid on our behalf. The Crossway staff has a brand new layout planned for this year and it WILL be new and improved. Our goal is for every member of Crossway to attend AND bring a friend. This program is as evangelical as possible. Do not miss this chance to have your heart renewed and reach out to another at the same time.
Embrace the Cross is our Good Friday experience and we'd love to have everyone join us for this come and go walkthrough experience where we look upon the day of our Savior's crucifixion, and think about what price was paid on our behalf. The Crossway staff has a brand new layout planned for this year and it WILL be new and improved. Our goal is for every member of Crossway to attend AND bring a friend. This program is as evangelical as possible. Do not miss this chance to have your heart renewed and reach out to another at the same time.
For a full list of upcoming events, click below
We are so glad you chose to worship with us today! If you are a guest watching online, click the button below to fill out our connect card and get connected at Crossway! Our prayer is that the Lord Jesus will speak truth into your life today.