Check out these volunteer resources 

Make sure to check back often for updates on events and more student ministry resources.


Click the link above to access the CSM Online Decision Card


For all our CSM Volunteers, new & not so new. Follow the link by clicking above to let us know how best to plug you into our ministry.

Daily Bible Reading

Take a moment to check out some daily bible studies provided by You Version. Dive into God's word by clicking above.

Background Check Release Form

Prior to serving, all volunteers must fill out and pass a state and federal background check. You can download the form by clicking above. Download, complete the form, and return to the Student Pastor.

Spotify Tunes

Check out some of the newest Christian music by following our CSM Spotify Playlist


Check back soon for an updated schedule of upcoming events.

Stay in the know by connecting to our social media pages & see how you can help by checking out our amazon wish list.