With an Eye on the Cornerstone

Jan 5, 2025    Bill Leveridge

God made us unique in that we can have intimate relationships at a level that other creatures can not experience. If you have lost close friends, grandparents, parents, or some other relative then you know how special it is to remember back to special times or special days that included them. Paul begins our passage this week by reminding these Ephesian believers where they were when he arrived to share the Gospel with them. In a single word, they were “without,” and the things that they were without were huge.

He then begins to point out how much their reconciliation to Christ has changed their lives and their future. What he shared with the Ephesians is true for all of those who are saved. At one time we were without God and without a relationship with Christ. To say it bluntly they were without any hope. Once Jesus came into their lives (they were reconciled) they now had hope, peace, and access to everything that Christ has.