What Does the Hidden Camera Show?
I used to love to try to mimic other people. I was enthralled by comics that mimic the voices or actions fo others. Rich Little was one of my favorites, especially when he would mimic the person that he was speaking to in the same voice and mannerisms. It made the other person very uncomfortable but it made me laugh. The Bible actually commands us to mimic Jesus. No, Jesus was not a pushover as some try to make him out to be. Jesus was consistently kind and loving, and yet when physical aggression or strong words were needed He was not in short supply of either. The point is, Jesus was perfectly balanced in every part of His life. No, we are not perfectly balanced, but we should strive to be. Join us this week as we ask ourselves this question, “What Does the Hidden Camera Show?” When no one is looking who are you? The one who imitates Jesus, or the one who follows the flesh?